reciprocal clubs
When visiting Reciprocal Clubs, your Moruya Golf Club membership card is necessary.
Please contact the club you intend to visit to organise golf bookings and ascertain any restrictions regarding the introduction of guests.

New South Wales
Eastlake Golf Club
Gardeners Road, Kingsford 2032
Phone: (02) 9662 6453
Email: proshop@eastlakegolfclub.com.au
Website: https://www.eastlakegolfclub.com.au/cms/
Cabramatta Golf Club
Cabramattta Road West & Cumberland Hwy, Cabramatta 2166
Phone: (02) 9602 8283
Website: https://www.cabragolf.com.au/
Goulburn Golf Club
Blackshaw Road, Goulburn 2580
Phone: (02) 4821 8133
Website: https://www.goulburngolfclub.com.au/
Jamberoo Golf Club
21 Allowrie Street, Jamberoo 2533
Phone: (02) 4236 0404
Email: golf@jamberoogolf.com.au
Website: http://jamberoogolf.com.au/
Rich River Golf Club
Twenty Four Ln, Moama 2731
Phone: (03) 5481 3333
Email: rrgc@richriver.com.au
Website: https://www.richriver.com.au/
The Country Club St Georges Basin
11 Paradise Beach Rd, Sanctuary Point 2540
Phone: (02) 4443 0836
Website: https://thecountryclub.com.au/
Tocumwal Golf Club
Barooga Rd, Tocumwal 2714
Phone: (03) 5874 9172
Email: reception@tocumwalgolf.com
Website: http://www.clubtocumwal.com/
Young Golf Club
191 William St, Young 2594
Phone: (02) 63821543
Email: younggolfclub@gmail.com
Website: https://www.younggolfclub.com.au/
Carnarvon Golf Club
65-95 Nottinghill Rd, Lidcombe 2141
Phone: (02) 9649 6255
Email: proshop@carnarvongolf.com.au
Website: https://carnarvongolf.com.au/
Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club
Cnr Gundaroo and Gungahlin Drives, Nicholls, ACT 2913
Phone: (02) 6242 4662
Email: gungahlinlakes@gmail.com
Website: https://www.gungahlinlakesgolf.com.au/
Gerringong Golf Club
14 Crooked River Road, Gerringong, NSW, 2534
Phone: (02) 4234 3333
Email: info@gerringonggolf.com.au
Website: https://www.gerringonggolf.com.au/
Yass Golf Club
2 Worth Street Yass, NSW, 2582
Phone: (02) 6226 1894
Email: info@yassgolfclub.com.au
Website: https://www.yassgolfclub.com.au/
Antill Park Country Club
4 Jarvisfield Road, Picton, NSW, 2571
Phone: (02) 4677 1512
Email: admin@antillpark.com.au
Website: https://www.antillpark.com.au/

Flinders Golf Club
Bass St, Flinders VIC 3929
Phone: (03) 5989 0583
Website: http://www.flindersgolfclub.com.au
The Lakes Entrance Golf Club
142 Golf Links Rd, Lakes Entrance VIC 3909
Phone: (03) 5155 2832
Email: info@legc.net
Website: https://www.lakesentrancegolf.com.au/