Beyond sustainability
Moruya Golf Club: aiming to become a sustainable business. Steps towards a regenerative business that gives back more to society and the planet than what it takes from it.
Solar system to offset power usage. 220 x panels were installed in 2019.

Effluent water used on our course instead of fresh water. We re-use recycled water which has been through a treatment procedure to bring the water quality back to a drinkable standard, although we do not recommend this.

We aim to recycle as much as possible. All our cardboard is collected and recycled through Yumaro.

We purchase Bio Compostable straws and Bio Degradable Coffee Cups to keep single use items eco friendly.

We were the first business in Moruya to offer electric car chargers when we installed Tesla chargers at the Club.
We continue to look at other options to add further charging stations in the future
Our aim is to continue to provide ways to regenerate the land which we operate on. We are continually looking at ways to further improve our operations and further reduce our carbon footprint.